About the Attorney

To me, practicing law is about excelling at relationships in a way that changes how people think about the legal profession.

You're probably already rolling your eyes. It does sound pretty self-aggrandizing. But let me explain by telling you about a dear friend of mine.

This friend loves to ride (motorcycles), and on his leather jacket, he has a number of biker patches. One of them says: "God loves you, and I'm trying."

That's me. I'm not special. I'm not talking about "excelling at relationships" hoping you will think I'm better than the next person. I know I'm not better. But I am trying to love my neighbor - and that includes every client that walks into my life.

I am striving to love justice. Love truth. Love my clients. Love even the bad guys - the dishonest insurers, the captive doctors they hire - I want to love 'em all. (Sometimes I love them by suing them. But bad guys need to be held accountable. It does them good in the end.)

A successful lawyer is successful because he or she pursues justice out of love.

I don't do this perfectly. Not even close. But that's what I'm aiming for. That's my definition of success. Which is more than I can say for many of the big-time lawyers you see on billboards and TV.

So, now that I've bared my heart to you, I'll give you the normal list of credentials and achievements that you probably were expecting. But don't think that credentials mean a thing if your lawyer isn't motivated by love.

Peter Pearson's Credentials

Attorney Pete Pearson is a native of the State of Maine. Northern by birth, Southern by choice, he earned his law degree from Emory University School of Law in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating near the top of his class. He earned his undergraduate degree from Gordon College in Wenham, Massachusetts, graduating summa cum laude (second in his class.) He also studied at Oxford University in England for one year.

Pete’s law practice has focused on personal injury since 1996. His experience makes him especially well suited to represent individuals who have been injured due to negligence. He has a special interest in representing the families of injured children and provides useful information and legal help for parents of injured children via his blog – kidinjurylaw.com.


  • Juris Doctor, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, Georgia (1996)
  • Graduate, Massachusetts State Police Academy (1991)
  • Bachelor of Arts, summa cum laude, Gordon College, Wenham, Massachusetts (1991)
  • Green College, University of Oxford, Great Britain (studied sociology and politics) (1990-1991)
  • Dirigo High School, Dixfield, Maine (1984-1987)

Juristictions Admitted to Practice

  • State of Georgia, since 1996

Professional and Bar Association Memberships

  • Rockdale Bar Association, Past Communications Officer
  • State Bar of Georgia, Member Since 1996

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